More on Saturday Adventures

Richard Louv, author of the incredible book Last Child in the Woods, said: “The woods were my Ritalin. Nature calmed me, focused me, and yet excited my senses.”  I love how being outside refreshes my mood and adjusts my perspective. This past weekend I spent time at the coast. Watching the sunrise and the waves allowed me to tune into God’s gentle whispers to my heart.

Being outdoors can do wonders for us and our children. I know for me, it’s one of the best ways I can connect with God and truly appreciate all that He’s made for us! Nature calms, invigorates, awakens, and inspires. We live so much of our lives indoors, in front of screens, or distracted with all the work/errands/tasks we “have” to accomplish that we sometimes miss the beauty waiting right outside our door.

The concept of Saturday Adventures is simple: take an hour or two on Saturday to go and do something fun with your family. The adventure can be free and simple - “adventure” doesn’t have to mean paying tons of money to do something wild and crazy like skydiving :) (Okay, well that’s ‘wild and crazy’ to me! ha)

Here are some practical ideas for you… (assuming you jump on board with the concept of Saturday weekend adventures!!) Some are inspired by the articles linked in the show notes, others are from our own family.

Ideas for Saturday Adventures


-visit a neighbor

-play outside in a local park

-go for a walk

-go for a hike

-go on a bike ride

-create a simple scavenger hunt

-go to the beach or coast if you’re near one!!!

-explore a forest

-have a picnic

-go camping!

-go birdwatching


-volunteer in your community


-play a board game

-make popcorn and watch a family-friendly movie

-bake cookies

-visit your library

-visit a museum

-visit a zoo

-build a fort

-read aloud

-play hide and go seek

Let me know if you try some of these ideas and how it goes! Use the hashtag: #samsaturdayadventure or tage me @sundayafternoonmama! I can’t wait to see what adventures you create with your family!